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[ A L T e r ]

We are deaf, blind and brilliant.

We liberate.

There's liberation waiting to escape.

We must remove ourselves from titles, they're too small and we're too big.

There's a genius in us, a [geni] in us waiting to escape.

The brilliance we are, the resilience we exude, the power we possess, the expansion we increase, the celebration of giving up something together in order to achieve something larger than us waits to escape.


S O L E T G O.

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Special thanks to:

Dominique Ferraro

Karlee Woody

Olivia Best

Madelyn Wansong

Without your beautiful willing spirits, this wouldn't have been made possible. You are fully equipped, you are covered and you are loved.

" You’re not becoming nothing, you’re already everything, you’re learning what you are.” 

- Basheer

© 2021 by Javares Selby. Forever Rooted, Forever Strong , Forever Remarkable.

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