Project Statement
I intend on birthing anew; to ascend to a higher place via self-astral projection. This ascension involves dismantling the ideology/ constructs around identity (spiritual/physical/3 dimensional). A diorama of vocabulary through body activated poetry, influential artists' talks and photo essays will be in conversation with the topics: body as spectacle, transcendency as normalcy and effort as fiction.
I want to dismantle the ideology/constructs around identity. I’m not interested in sameness and collectivity but rather uniqueness and investigating refusing the physical form and how to transcend conventional representation to a depiction that invites confrontation to the restricted layer of our being.
What would it be like to have a work conceived from outside the self, one that permits escape from the limited perspective of the individual ego? How can the simultaneous presence of disparate elements (body and soul) distinguish themselves equally and effectively?...can there be an ease and flexibility in tapping into either freely? How can one expand/ multiply/ deflate within expansion?

Everything will be lost,
Stop pretending.
Wake up and lets give ourselves to it.
It’s simple.
She strips away the unreal…
This is our true self.
Artistic Statement
I want to ascend. Transform into an aerosol that permeates and reaches. Engulfing, metamorphosing, dismantling, disparate building and collect/ivity. Confrontation with socially built infrastructures breaks down the construct of identity and its leaching titles that diminishes and erases the energetic vapor we are composed of. A hypnagogic movement vocabulary emerges; who’s really moving? Sleepwalk dancing, but we’re awake. Swooning and getting carried away, how did I get here? I remember rocking back and forth, swaying side to side when I played violin. Notes catalyzing the rumbling energy waiting to be relinquished from its physical hold. Surrender and draw down the bridge to the castle. It was when I closed my eyes when I realized my fingers continued; I’m already equipped to let go and be driven.